Connect the buyer journey.

Harness valuable customer data within 动力365 Marketing to intelligently personalize marketing efforts, attract the right prospects and communicate at the perfect moment to increase demand. 动力365 Marketing will help you nurture leads from their earliest interaction, through the point of purchase. Seamless integration with 动力365 Sales creates a smooth hand-off for sales-ready leads.

Organizations choose 动力365 Marketing to:

  • Attract and nurture leads 
  • Improve sales and marketing collaboration
  • Personalize customer interactions
  • Create omnichannel marketing campaigns

动力365 Marketing is a fit for companies that:

  • Have siloed marketing systems and want to move to a fully integrated sales and marketing solution
  • Have long sales cycles or repeat buyers that require ongoing nurturing
  • Need to prioritize leads or focus on top accounts
  • Want to optimize their marketing resources

Proven partner and technology leader

As a trusted advisor to more than 2,000 clients across 北美, we pride ourselves on our ability to identify and accelerate the right technology solutions to create rapid time-to-value and drive immediate business performance for our clients.

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RSM’s 微软 certified professionals have met the highest technological standards in 微软’s Cloud Partner Program. RSM has demonstrated technical capabilities, 经验, and ability to deliver successful customer outcomes aligned to the 微软 Cloud in Infrastructure (Azure), Data & AI (Azure), Digital & App 创新 (Azure), Business Applications, Modern Work, and Security.

Experience the power of being understood
Connect with our 微软 professionals today.